Education · Youth and Children's Rights

Learners With Disabilities Must Not Be Left Behind | TO ADVOCATE IS TO LOVE

Publisher’s Note: This write-up was first published on the first of October, 2022 in, the website where I write about the mundane and the extraordinary going ons in my life.

Today, we celebrate the first anniversary of the enactment of this law.

The bill on inclusive education for learners with disabilities was the first major bill I primarily handled as a young legislative staffer—from assisting in the Committee hearing to chairing the Technical Working Group (TWG) meetings of the Committee to drafting the committee report.

But we—those in the legislature, and more importantly, the disability sector—did not give up. It took years until we finally got the compromise that would allow a progressive realization of inclusive education. There shall be a multi-year plan coupled with appropriate funding to the framework as written in the law.


Education: Does It Really Make a Difference?

Honestly, I could not give a straight-forward answer because the answer is defined by the complexity of man. If we all agree that the essence of education is the development of individuals into good human beings through the delivery of knowledge and skills that are necessary in order for them to help and serve the… Continue reading Education: Does It Really Make a Difference?